
With the desire to find out the truth, and maybe uncover some kind of information that would get closer to determining who (singular and/or plural) had perpetrated the crimes against the victims from the 1940s that some believe may be related and done by one killer, or those that feel has different killers, I reached out to others that had looked into it also, hoping they would be willing to share information and material. My first reach out ended with the person insulting an author who has written many books about the killings, and then accusing me of wanting the material to do something related to Halloween (I still haven't been able to figure out what he meant, as I was very clear that the research is for my own research, and to share with others so that we can all make our own deductions). He lashed out and refused the request. I hope there are nicer people out there but wow; disturbing. On with the research!